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Sunday Road Vacation Rental Cold IPA 440ml Can

440ml Can 6.8% IPA - India Pale Ale

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About The Beer

Country: Australia

Brewery: Sunday Road Brewing

Style: IPA - India Pale Ale

Format: 440ml Can

ABV: 6.8%

What's a Cold IPA you ask? Think of it as a beer with a very light malt base that is a canvas for hops. Cold IPA hits with a strong punch of aromatic hop intensity and decent bitterness but finishes crisp and clean that will have you craving another sip.

A Lager yeast is used that is low in ester and Sulfur that's fermented warmer than traditionally would be, yet cooler than an Ale yeast is. We've doubled down on the Cold and used only Cryo hops in the "HopBurst" style. Double dry hopped using Cryogenic Ekuanot, Sabro and Amarillo. Embrace the cold, we're sure you'll love the reward.